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Microsoft Slams Google With "Scroogled" Merchandise

Microsoft has launched an all-out assault on Google.
Ever since the tech giant became the dominant force in the online world, Microsoft has been searching for ways to get back to the top. After news came out that Google had been involved in the recent NSA scandal, Microsoft must have decided that now was the time to strike.
Google was accused of selling user’s information and skimming through user’s emails to obtain massive amounts of data. The company has been fighting to gain the public’s favor back ever since.
In an effort to lure users away from Google and back to Microsoft, the company has released a new line of merchandise with one central theme: Google sucks. Angry customers can now purchase a number of “Anti-Google” or “Scroogled” items plastered with phrases like “Keep Calm While We Steal Your Data” and “I’m Watching You” alongside the Google logo.
It’s hard to tell if you can trust any company not to steal your data, but if you’re pissed off at Google, then have a look through the gallery of “Scroogled” items below (via Slate). Visit the full store here.

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