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Feed Your Feed!: 10 Fitness-Related Twitter Accounts to Follow

Feed Your Feed!: 10 Fitness-Related Twitter Accounts to Follow
Let’s face it: it’s a big, big Twitter-verse out there, filled with all the best and worst humanity has to offer. For many, the little blue bird and the service it represents are just further proof of the perversity of human nature—yes, even when restrained to 140 characters or less, people can be somehow spew novel’s worth of ignorance and pettiness. Yet amidst the cacophony and confusion, there persists plenty to love. Whether you’re a black belt-toting Twitter master, a dabbler in the social media substrate, or a neophyte looking for some feeds to follow, here are a few feeds of note for the fitness lovers out there.
1. FitBottomedGirl – @FitBottomedGirl 
Twitter Bio: Keeping a lid on the junk in the trunk.
Followers: 54.1K
Need for Feed: This Twitter account for a website dedicated to providing “fresh fitness content for real women and girls (and even the guys)” provides plenty of recipes, exercise DVD and gear reviews, and workout pointers.
2. Adam Bornstein – BornFitness 
Twitter Bio: NYT Best Selling Author CEO Born Fitness  Pop-a-shot champ and egg lover  Former Ed. Director LIVESTRONG  Former Fitness Ed. Men’s Health  #BornApproved
Followers: 49.4K
Need for Feed: Bornstein is a giant in the fitness and health field. In his own words: “If you’ve ever searched for health, fitness, or nutrition information, there’s a good chance I’ve played a role in creating the content you read.” His Born Fitness website was created to “simplify the process and tell you what you really need to know. Filter out the crap and help you make sense of your body.” His Twitter feed is an extension of Bornstein’s expertise (and his website’s mission). As such, it’s a solid, fluff-free source of advice and insight on all things fitness.
3. Health Magazine – @goodhealth 
Twitter Bio: Health Magazine and inspire you to live better and look and feel your best.
Followers: 1.96 million
Need for Feed: Sure, the magazine and website devoted to women’s health from which this feed originates skews a bit toward less meaty, more celebrity-focused stories, but there’s still plenty of useful fitness information to be gleaned daily from this very active account.
4. James Fell – @BodyForWife 
Twitter Bio: Syndicated fitness columnist for Chicago Tribune / LA Times / Chatelaine & AskMen. Boston qualifier. Random House book coming.
Followers: 12K
Need for Feed: More everyman than budding brand-splosion, Fells’ feed serves mainly to relay the writing from his blog, though it also contains a healthy dose of skepticism and outright disdain for many of the “high-fad” fitness and diet trends out there. Also, he really hates The Biggest Loser.
5. Breaking Muscle – @BreakingMuscle 
Twitter Bio: Breaking Muscle is a team of experienced professionals dedicated to providing fitness news and daily exercise programming. New articles & workouts every day!
Followers: 7,418
Need for Feed: Not so much a stream as a flood of workout routines (for a wide array of athletic disciplines), first-person journal entries (from athletes), product reviews and other fitness-related info.
6. Men’s Fitness – @MensFitness 
Twitter Bio: Men’s Fitness Magazine: The New Measure of Success.
Followers: 276K
Need for Feed: Weighing in on the more testosterone-bearing side of the scale, @MensFitness provides the expected mix of “Warrior workouts,” dietary advice and articles on building muscle in pretty much every area a man might want some.
7. Fitness Magazine – @FitnessMagazine 
Twitter Bio: Healthy tips, recipes and workouts from the editors at FITNESS Magazine.
Followers: 251K
Need for Feed: Much like the other two magazine-based feeds on the list (and as its bio states), @FitnessMagazine provides a pretty standard array of guidance on diet and exercise. Still, following them provides the same benefits as flipping through a hard-copy—there’s a good chance this active feed will send something useful your way—and you won’t have the magazines cluttering up your living room because you’re “meaning to get around” to clipping out that recipe for a lean green smoothie.
8. Sarah Fit – @SarahDussault 
Twitter Bio: Fitness YouTuber, Author, Bostonian and @barrysbootcamp instructor!
Followers: 24.7K
Need for Feed: Dussault’s YouTube-based fitness series strives to provide practical visual instruction for the fitness-minded. Not surprisingly, her Twitter feed provides an easy means to keep track of the fruits of all the trainer’s media efforts, no matter the medium.
9. Zen to Fitness – @zentofitness
Twitter Bio: Fitness and health news, reviews, and inspirations.
Followers: 3,743
Need for Feed: This blog-based feed is low on trendy diets and high on inspiration and useful articles (generated both internally and gathered from external sources) on health and fitness.
10. Take a Challenge – @takeachallenge 
Twitter Bio: Take a Challenge – The Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Community changing world health & personal attitudes, one challenge at a time!
Followers: 409
Need for Feed: Don’t be fooled by the low-population of followers, @takeachallenge provides a steady diet of encouragement through inspirational stories from throughout the world. The goal? To help people lead “a fitter and healthier lifestyle through making the most of the outdoors.”

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