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Day Z: A video game exploration of the best and worst of human nature

There’s a question inherent in the design of DayZ. Every player wakes up on the shore of a deserted, partially ruined and overtly hostile Eastern European island, with nothing but a flashlight in their pocket and the shirt on their back. On this island are weapons, food, plenty of water and a few dozen other players, all with the same opportunities and needs as you. The question, then, is simple: What’s going to kill you first?
It could just be simple hunger, each step you take incrementally ticking down a hidden number towards starvation, at which point your vision blurs and you’re incapacitated by sharp pangs in your stomach. Thirst, too, is an ever present reminder as your character lets you know that it’s been a while since you last saw water, and things aren’t looking too good. The zombies, of course, are a threat, although it’s less about attrition there and more about having the bad luck to have one of them cut you, making you bleed and making your already weak state significantly worse.
Sitting at the top of the pile of threats that DayZ presents to you, however, are the other people. The ones who know what they’re doing, sweeping across the Chernarus countryside with efficiency and a keen eye, quickly amassing and stockpiling supplies, clothes and weaponry. Some will kill you just to be on the safe side, a crackle from half a mile away and a dull thwack into the grass around you the only marker that someone is taking pot shots at you, until one of them hits home and the screen goes black. Then it’s nothing but a deadpan ‘You are dead.’ sitting in the middle of the screen.
Worse are those players who use you as sport, entertainment to break up the monotony of the apocalypse. They’ll handcuff you, rifle through your belongings taking the choice items, before either setting you free or deciding to have a little fun. Then it’s force-fed disinfectant, or blindfolds before sending you out into zombie-infested territory. Or they might just shoot you, just the once, and let you run around, faint and bleeding.
DayZ should be unpleasant. It should be held up as a monument to the darker side of the human psyche, a grand social experiment that went wrong, and instead of reflecting how we would band together in our shared need for survival, it instead just mirrored back a monster, a series of predators and prey, each struggling to become the former while inevitably, at some point, pushed into the latter.
“It’s not about giving the players the ability to do cool stuff like force feed someone disinfectant or tie someone up,” Dean Hall, the creator of the original Day Z mod, and now the Project Lead on the standalone game, is emphatic in the face of this psychopathy. “We give players these options because every now and then you’ll run across someone who won’t do these things, and that gives you a really positive experience. The crux of it is to give players free will to choose what they will do in a given situation. And when you’re dealing with other human beings, that really makes the player think about the impact of the choices they make.”
What is compelling about DayZ is the contrasts it creates. If you’ve heard about the game at all, you’ve probably heard what amount to horror stories, retellings of terrifying kidnappings, or just being held up on the side of the road and being utterly powerless in the face of superior weaponry, and a superior will. But these moments are blips among a relatively tranquil experience. Most of the time, you’re wandering alone or with friends, through wilderness or abandoned towns.
As a result, silence and a quietness of experience become emblematic of DayZ. It’s not boring because of those blips; if you let your guard down you will end up in a bad way. So you are riddled with tension, each element, from the hunger to the thirst, the players to the zombies, all working together to force you to stay aware.
“It’s about adding one of many little tensions onto the player when they’re making decisions.” Hall continues. “So they’re hungry, thirsty, and they need to get food and water, but to do that they need to go into a built up area where there are zombies.” And players, because that’s where the good stuff is; the tinned food, the weapons, the nice equipment.
I’ve been at both ends of a rifle, and both ends of a stick-up. I don’t think it’s trite to say that most players, when they start DayZ, imagine themselves as a sort of Clint Eastwood of the wasteland, aspirations of being the Pale Rider running into town, saving lives and shooting bad guys. What’s interesting to me is how quickly that hope falls by the side of the road, cast away among a pile of empty cans of tuna, and ruined jeans. Necessity makes an honest man a knave, and quickly, too.
So you ask yourself that question, what’s going to kill you, when you start DayZ. It’s filled with curiosity, and a sense of adventure; without the normal consequences, death can suddenly take on a certain morbid entertainment value when you know you’ll just wash up on the shore of Chernarus once again, looking to cheat the reaper for a little while longer. It’s what takes the wind out of the sails of the argument that DayZ is abhorrent, nothing but a murder simulator for sadists and the perverted. Yes, the things you can do, in the context of reality, are terrible, but when interpreted through the lens of a virtual space, you’re provided with an opportunity to experience the things you’d never want to in reality. It’s a form of escapism, to be trapped and robbed.
“I’ve heard the game being called a ‘murder simulator’ in the past,” Hall admits. “And I think there’s an element of truth to that. I feel like videogames have often taken the easy road, and they’re all about fun. There’s a phrase used for a lot of rogue-like games that ‘it’s fun to lose’, and I think that’s kind of what DayZ’s about.” It’s at this point I’d interject. In DayZ it isn’t so much fun in the losing, but the /how/ of it. What happened before, how you got there, how far you made it. Putting a cap on a series of experiences, to provide a clean end to the narrative.
“DayZ was always about providing choice to the player, so that the player’s decisions actually mattered; you weren’t going on rails. So the way I’d redeem it to people is that really this is about exploring the good and the bad of people, and that you can’t have the good without the bad, and that is really what DayZ is; it’s about exploring that. It’s really an experiment in terms of emotion in a videogame. Giving someone something of value, and then seeing how they react when that’s taken away.”

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